Not everyone on the planet realises that gambling and gaming are different things. There is no need to call them by the same name. In the online casino industry there is an increasing confusion between the two. People replace one word for another and do not see any difference. It is worth understanding what the difference is and what points of contact have the above two concepts.
Gaming and Gambling : Differences

Once you come to understand the differences it becomes obvious that they are quite different. Gambling is the games that can be found in online casinos or traditional establishments, but here you can earn real money. Here you can feel the full rush of emotions, vivid sensations and adrenaline. You will follow the events, hope to win and get a sense of excitement.
In the field of gambling meet 3 factors :
- Pleasant reward in the form of real money;
- The opportunity to get unique emotions – excitement, risk and adrenaline;
- The opportunity to bet money on games. This gives additional vivid emotions.
If we generalise, gambling is all games that combine excitement and real money. Gambling is a thriving industry. And any adult resident of the country at least once faced it. For example, you have played the lottery or dice, spun the wheel of fortune or played card games. And besides, if you are a sports fan, you have probably made bets.
All about Gaming
Gaming is a whole industry that includes a wide variety of video games. Here you will find board games like Imaginarium, Uno, Monopoly and many more. The next time you get together with your friends to play board games, that’s gaming, and if you take out poker and decide to try your luck, you can say that you’ve come to gambling.
Blurring the Line Between Gambling and Gamification
Gaming and gambling are firmly connected. There is a connecting thread between them – cybersports. If you prefer video games and cybersports, you will have to do some real brainstorming and prepare for the process. The very process of playing video games, such as Counter Strike, Dota 2, League of Legends and others is gaming. But when you analyse sporting events, try to make predictions and make bets – this is gambling. Since you have to place a bet and in the long run earn real money. It has been recently calculated that gamblers spend around $8 billion annually on betting on cyber sports.
The most popular bet here is the main outcome. Here you need to bet on which team will be the leader. In addition, many bettors prefer to bet on the “pass team”. Here the player needs to predict which team will be higher in the rankings and whether it will be able to take the leading position in the playoffs.
Cybersport Nowadays
Betting is a great area where you can not only earn real money, but also develop your analytical skills. Here you have to think carefully about all your actions. You can choose any of the areas for betting. For example, here you will find not only sports, but also TV shows, politics, film industry, music and much more. All bookmakers strive to create as many categories as possible for visitors to the site.
Some bettors call cyber sports a real puzzle and quest of the 21st century. Here you have to think through hundreds of plans, come up with a strategy to win, study a large number of rules and think about all possible outcomes. It is worth saying that in cybersport you must analyse each player, only in this case you can count on winning. If at least one player behaves badly on the field, does not show his skills or does not fit the team, then you should expect the team to show bad results.
Will Gaming Become Part of Gambling?

When you look at all the trends that are happening on the internet. You can’t help but wonder if gaming will become part of gambling and how soon it will happen. At the moment fans of video games prefer to play them and follow the world tournaments, but the category of cyber sports in betting companies is becoming more and more in demand. But even regular video games without betting include a part of gambling. Since good teams are constantly replenishing their armoury . They buy weapons and ammunition. This requires money, which is taken from the investor, fans and after betting on this type of entertainment. In this way it can be traced that gaming is gradually becoming a part of gambling.
Classic example of the absorption of one sphere by another – in the football simulator FIFA players can purchase additional features for an extra fee. This is commonly referred to as lightboxes. If you think about it, the game itself does not require money from you and is anti-material, but if you want the process to be even more exciting and fascinating, you will have to spend money to increase your character or team.
The boundaries between the two almost identical concepts of gamification and hebling are blurring. However, it is worth assuming that even in the future they will remain independent. This can be seen from the fact that although gaming comes with a material part, most of its entertainment does not require any investment from the players. Gamers start spending real money in order to make the process even more exciting and get new experiences in the process.